Kia ora e te whanau

I’m in Auckland this coming weekend. I’ll be preaching at Onehunga Co-operating Parish, Grey Street, at 10am, Sunday. On Monday afternoon I’m engaging with the Methodist Tauiwi Strategy Meeting. I still have a little space in my diary and could be available to meet with individuals or small groups. I fly out Tuesday evening. I can be contacted on 027 559 9042.

Forum 2025 – Our Future Together

I’m going to keep reminding you. Please, put the dates in your diary, and plan to be there. If you’re not present, you stand to miss out on what we hope will be a once-in-a-generation event which helps set a life-giving course for the Church in Aotearoa for the years to come. The forum is set down for Auckland at Kings Birthday weekend starting at 9am on Saturday the 31st of May, and concluding around noon on Monday the 2nd of June.

Personal and Leadership Resources

1.     What JFK learned about leadership from a NASA janitor.

While this article addresses the sense of belonging and value of employees in business – knowing how important they are to the goal of the company, the real challenge for us springs from the recognition that church is mainly a venture of volunteers. Yet we’re all part of the team – actually the Bible calls it ‘The Body’. How can everyone know that their part is important – where we’re not just passengers, consumers, but are actually engaged in the arena? After all, The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”  On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.  It can be read here:

2.     A Yale Psychologist Says This Simple Mindset Change Helps People Live 7.5 Years Longer on Average

Terrified that you’re growing older, that the grim reaper may be stalking you? I think about death, my own, probably more than I should. I’m aware of the money people will spend to extend life, or at least extend the appearance of youthfulness while seeking to live a longer life. And we’re moving into an age where technology is making living longer a possibility – especially for those who have money. Lots of it. Perhaps one extreme of where we could be headed is demonstrated in the 2013 Neill Blomkamp film Elysium – starring Matt Damon (I think it’s worth a watch). This article mentions none of that – it does talk about an attitude shift that costs no money, and can make a significant difference not just to how long we live, but to how well we live. It can be accessed here:

3.     Carlos Whittaker spent seven weeks screen-free. Here’s how his idea of God changed.

This one is well worth a read. Especially if we have lurking suspicion that we’re spending more time with screens than is useful or good for us. Whittaker was shocked, both by how much time he was actually spending, how traumatic the withdrawal was, and how freeing to come out the other side. Apparently disconnecting is not for the faint hearted. And it’s worth it. This article can be read here:


Trevor Hoggard’s sermon considers Mark 7 vs 24-37 and James 2 vs 1-17. Trevor considers the reach of the gospel to the outsiders. It can be engaged with here:

My response to that same Gospel text hits a similar theme and is titled ‘A Broader Vision’

  It can be experienced here:

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Once again, use the videos as you will.

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Ngā manaakitanga

Andrew Doubleday

UCANZ Ministry Facilitator

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