Kia ora e te whanau

Home again Jiggety-Jig. NDCU (National Dialogue for Christian Unity) were, among other things, blessed with an insightful presentation on Tiriti issues by Alistair Reese. After a few hours as a guest in Koru with great company (where I did most of the talking ☹), it was on to Gisborne where I was kindly taxied to my motel by the Anglican Primate and his family (Thanks again!). I had a wonderful weekend with the people of Mangapapa Church – the main point being to make connections with the Parish and their new leaders – recently arrived from the UK. The Parish has struck gold. As have the Roche family. I hope they enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed them.

Coming up, we’re three weeks away from the Methodist Conference in Pōneke/ Wellington. It’s at this point that I complete my term as Ex-President of the Church and the limited responsibility connected with the role.

Personal and Leadership Resources

1.     A framework for resolving conflicts

This article provides simple, useful, and seemingly common-sense strategies for dealing with those potentially destructive events that can eat at the very soul of an organisation. Yet, it’s amazing how uncommon common sense can be. The article can be accessed here:

2.     7 Successful Strategies to Win Over a Resistant Team

While we’re dealing with conflict, here’s an article particularly useful if you’re new in a place with an existing and perhaps entrenched team. The article is about what it says it is, and can be accessed here:

3.     The Secret to Building a Successful Team According to Malcolm Gladwell – The Law of the Magic Third

I’m a fan of Malcolm Gladwell. This article picks up a section in his latest book – Revenge of the Tipping Point (which has just arrived and I’m yet to read). His thesis is that for a minority perspective to get traction there needs to be a critical mass of representation. Perhaps the key line in the article – ‘That critical mass for newcomers is somewhere between a quarter and a third’.

At a political level this may just have something to say to those determined to keep even token Tangata Whenua voices away from Local Body tables. The article can be read here:

Homilies & Preaching Resources

Trevor Hoggard’s sermon, while including the lectionary readings ofJob 42:1-6 and Hebrews 7:23-28, focusses primarily on the gospel text Mark 10:46-52, – Jesus encounter at Jericho with blind Bartimaeus. His sermon can be engaged with here:

My response to the Gospel text of Mark 10:46-52 also focuses on Jesus encounter with blind Bartimaeus. My homily is titled ‘Once in a Lifetime Opportunity’.  It can be experienced here:

Michael Godfrey (out of the Dunedin Anglican Diocese) hosts a conversation of Theologians and Practitioners at the beginning of each week around the Gospel lectionary text for the coming Sunday. The site with all its options can be accessed here:  The conversation for this coming Sunday based on that same gospel of Mark 10:46-52 and can be accessed here:

Again, it will help broaden all our reach if you ‘subscribe’ and ‘like’.

Once again, use the videos as you will.

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