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Forum 2025 – Our Future Together

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Personal and Leadership Resources

1.     Leaders: Is Your Desire to Be Right Holding You Back?

This one’s serious – I could have written it (bit didn’t). It’s written with brutal honesty about the need that some of us have to have all the answers. I’ve referenced previously that in my previous life working for the Ministry of Works (remember when there was such a thing?) I had a poster on my office wall that said ‘Those of you who think you know everything, are annoying to those of us who do’. You get the picture. The article can be accessed here:

2.     The Art of Leading a Team Smarter Than You

Developing the theme of not needing to be the smartest person in the room a little further, this article offers some useful tips:

3.     Most Speakers Face Public Speaking Anxiety, Even Barack Obama’s Speechwriter

As a 16 year old I never imagined that I would get married. The idea of standing in front of a church full of people to simply utter 2 simple words “I do”, completely freaked me out. That regularly standing in front of churches not usually so full of people has become a significant part of my life work is full of irony, and testimony to the grace of God. This article has a few good tips on public speaking. Of course, much more could be said, but this article covers some important principles. It can be read here:

Homilies & Preaching Resources

Trevor Hoggard’s sermon offers another thoughtful reflection on the  lectionary texts Job 23:1-12; Hebrews 4:12-16, and Mark 10:17-31, considering the issue of prosperity through the lens of Job, and the call to follow Jesus as central to our experience of eternal life. His sermon can be engaged with here:  

My response to the Gospel text of Mark 10:17-31focuses on Jesus encounter with the rich young ruler. My homily is titled ‘Too much to lose’ and considers Jesus concern for our growth, freedom and wellbeing.  It can be experienced here:   

Michael Godfrey (out of the Dunedin Anglican Diocese) hosts a conversation of Theologians and Practitioners at the beginning of each week around the Gospel lectionary text for the coming Sunday. The site with all its options can be accessed here:  The conversation for this coming Sunday based on the gospel of Mark 10:17-31 and can be accessed here:    

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Ngā manaakitanga

Andrew Doubleday

UCANZ Ministry Facilitator

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